Excerpt from the Cyber gospel
And god said 'Let there be internet!' and there was, and it was cool.
But the angels came and they said unto cyber god 'God, we need more content' but cyber god was not disturbed. He said unto them, 'the peasants, the techno-peasants will bring the content. It doesn't have to be good, just plentiful and frequent.'
As it was said, it was so. The people made their own content and it was both plentiful and frequent but not particularly good. And the angels did recoup their investment with immense profits while the techno-peasants squabbled for coin.
That my dear brethren, is how we all became influencers. And the social media serf was born and all did rejoice in their ignorance.
But later the angels came and they said unto him 'God, the peasants are growing discontent. They may rise up and disrupt the flow of profit' but cyber god was not disturbed. He said unto them, 'Let them rise up. I will give them a new revelation and they will take it as their banner. Dynasties will fall but others will rise to take their place. Nothing will change.'
As it was said, it was so. They heard the new gospel and took up the banner, the crypto-peasants fled one serfdom to another. Profits continued to flow to the top and the angels did rejoice.
Hallelujah, amen, and Wagmi.